Feb 22

This video is in HD quality. If your connection is slow, or the video is not loading, you can watch it directly on Youtube in normal quality. It is also originally on Sam’s blog here. I have also added subtitles to the video on the non-English versions of my site.

Today I have a guest video post from a good friend of mine, Sam Powers, who I hosted in my house in Buenos Aires through Couchsurfing. He also has a video blog, in which he and his friend William are travelling all around the world on a tight budget and sharing their story in a written and excellently edited video blog. Even though he recorded and edited it, I still feature highly in the video, so it’s only appropriate to include it here!
We show you an incredible event that we were a part of in Buenos Aires; a pillow fight that thousands of people took part in! It is what’s known as a flashmob; where hundreds or thousands agree to meet (in this case, with the help of a facebook group, other sites and word of mouth) and do something crazy to confuse the general public and have a great time. The result; 2,000 people and a huge pillow fight! Many, many thanks to Sam for sharing this video with us!
If you enjoyed this video, leave a comment below (or on Sam’s Blog!) and don’t forget to subscribe to our blogs to see more of our videos!

  • http://www.twoguysaroundtheworld.com/ SammyK

    Good times, good times. Thanks for the guest-post. You are the one that made the video awesome. You seriously need to be a TV personality.


  • Maija

    Really great quality on this video! Great music, great editing, great filming.. And a really great concept. Fun to watch, enjoyed it very much :-) Thanks!

  • http://www.lernu.net Fajro

    The Buenos Aires Pillowfight is not a “Flashmob”.
    They tried to make a flashmob (5 minutes) the first time, but it lasted four hours!! (the police had to scatter the pillowfighters) xD

  • http://blog.dudektria.org/ Schneider

    We had something like that in Brazil, specially in São Paulo, which was very big.
    I was in Florianópolis, here it was very very small. But I’ve got tired :P

  • Liz

    The Foreigner! THE FOREIGNER!
    Oh, that made my day. I saw this before but wasn't really sure if it was really you.
    I wish we had them over here in the US. There are a lot of people who need to loosen up with a little fun every now and then.

  • http://www.travelwanderers.com Rane

    Nothing compares to a blog with a very excellent video that supplements or even improve every details of the blog. I believe the video made your blog very interesting. Keep up the good work.