Jan 10

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Before I get into sharing my funny and practical video ideas for this year with you, I thought I’d kick off the year by showing how I started it! This 1 minute video (in Esperanto, with subtitles) shows me in my ridiculous costume that won the “most catastrophic” costume of the Internacia Seminario event, followed by the countdown to 2009.
If you’d like to see more of what happened that week check out the full video (about 4 minutes) on my Esperanto blog and change “Esperanto 100%” to “English 100%” for English subtitles in the video. You can also see a very funny Jerry Springer sketch (also with English subtitles) that we did, in which my gay character’s boyfriend had a secret to confess! All videos of the week can be seen on my flickr account.

Leave comments if you like it! :)

  • http://www.twoguysaroundtheworld.com/ SammyK

    Oh man, to be in Germany with a bunch of Esperanto speakers… what a dream. I guess I should learn how to speak it first. I noticed a few shots of some dancing going on! Wish I could have been there for that. I also noticed a girl coming up to hug you after the countdown. Did you get a New Years kiss as well!? Eh? Eh!? ;)

    And Benny, your acting skills are superb! ;)

  • flamfloro

    tre interese ^^